CXRef.doc Free software. But if you use it, please send an e-mail. Redistribute is allowed, but only with the full source. Read the licence. The GNU General Public Licence is valid for all files in this archive. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a utility for programmers, for give help for a keystroke, like the 'Function reference' function of GoldED. If your editor support Rexx, then you can easily connect it with CXRef. The program is commodity, just for unburden the removing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) You have to create the reference file, before use the main program. This is simple: mref -q c.xref Autodoc: ADE:include ADE:os-include This line make the xref file for gcc. Format of mref: mref [options] databasefilename dir1 [dir2 ... dirN] Options: -q Quiet mode (do not echo any warnings) -g GoldED mode (default: CED mode) There some difference with the line numbering of some editors. For example the GoldED count the non-printable chars like a full line, but the CED includes some non-printable character in the next line. -u Unique keys only When use this option, the duplicated keys will deleted both, without this option, one of the duplicated keys remain in the database. -s Add structures into the database The option abbreviation (-qgu) is not implemented. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) You have to write a simple ARexx script for the editor. (I wrote one for CED) ARexx commands for CXRef: QUIT Quiting SEARCH WORD function Find the function (case sensitive) in the database, and give you the full filename and line number in the result. For example: SEARCH WORD OpenLibrary result=="Autodoc:exec.doc 3428" SEARCH STEM res. WORD function This is the same, but you get the result into the supplied variable instead in result. SEARCH STEM ret. WORD OpenLibrary ret.filename=="Autodoc:exec.doc" ret.linenumber=="3428" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Set the tooltype 'XREFFILE' according to the place and name of your database file. (XREFFILE=DH0:Programming/full.xref) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Install the script into your editor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Used programs: gcc libnix ARexxBox make flex CatComp ver (included) utility for update the version string